Houston Cold Storage is a complete cold storage provider with a strong emphasis on the food industry. Houston Cold Storage has several temperature zones to ensure products are stored, maintained, and handled at the proper temperatures. In a world dominated by food safety, Houston Cold Storage has a team of industry professionals committed to the customer and their food safety expectations. A full Global Food Safety certified facility, we ensure your products are always protected under the most up to date food safety regulations. With a commitment to the customer, we provide a level of service that is unparalleled in the cold storage sector. Houston Cold Storage has a TABC license in which we can store, distribute, and handle alcohol-related products. Please check out our list of some of the services we offer below to see how we can be of assistance to you.
Storage and Handling Cross Docking
Drayage Services. Multi-Temp Zones
Ripening and Conditioning. USDA Grading & Inspecting
Quality Control Inspections. Delivery and Distribution
Produce Re-labeling & Re-packaging. Produce Bagging Services
Imported Container Services